The Committee

A choral society like ours could not achieve what it does without the dedication of its Committee, and it's a reflection of how much people value the experience of being in Three Spires Singers that so many are willing to lend a hand with the organisational challenges. Outstanding teamwork, shared ambition and a wonderfully supportive membership allow us to accomplish what we do.

Our Committee is made up of three elected Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer), six other elected members who take responsibility for various aspects of the choir's organisation, and additional co-opted members who bring something special to the work of the committee. 

We have full committee meetings at the start of every term, plus various other informal meetings as required to discuss particular projects. Our three chief aims are:

  • to devise a varied and exciting programme of concerts, usually with a five-year plan in hand;
  • to maintain the strong financial position that allows us to continue doing ambitious and rewarding work;
  • to present concerts to a very high standard so that first-class professional musicians want to work with us, and choir and audience members alike enjoy astounding musical experiences.

We are very open to fresh ideas and always welcome new offers of help. Being on the committee is enormous fun with a great sense of fellowship, and it's always rewarding to play a part in making wonderful things happen for the choir.

Chair: Lora Wicks -
Secretary: Sally Williams -

Treasurer and Data Protection Officer: Simon Price
Membership Secretary and Website: Sally Hind 

Design: Camilla Comeau

Social Media & Publicity: Janet Harvey
Friends & Patrons Secretary: Penny Price
Librarian: Sarah Williams
Concert Manager: Maureen Metcalfe 

Music Director: James Anderson Besant  
Repetiteur: Paul Comeau

Orchestra Manager: Dee Gordon Jackson

Soloists Manager: Penny Mansbridge

"My life would be much poorer without concerts to work for and look forward to. It's a great privilege to be part of such a professional choir. Singing lifts the spirits and gladdens the heart!"
Committee Member, Three Spires Singers

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