We have full committee meetings at the start of every term, plus various other informal meetings as required to discuss particular projects. Our three chief aims are:
We are very open to fresh ideas and always welcome new offers of help. Being on the committee is enormous fun with a great sense of fellowship, and it's always rewarding to play a part in making wonderful things happen for the choir.
Chair: Lora Wicks - lorawicks23@gmail.com
Secretary: Sally Williams - threespiressingers@gmail.com
Treasurer and Data Protection Officer: Simon Price data@threespiressingers.org.uk
Membership Secretary and Website: Sally Hind
Design: Camilla Comeau
Social Media & Publicity: Janet Harvey
Friends & Patrons Secretary: Penny Price
Librarian: Sarah Williams
Concert Manager: Maureen Metcalfe
Music Director: James Anderson Besant
Repetiteur: Paul Comeau
Orchestra Manager: Dee Gordon Jackson
Soloists Manager: Penny Mansbridge